Wednesday 28 October 2015

Bellmer: Taylor & Hatje Cantz

Inside Flap:
“Bellmer, best known for his life-size pubescent [youthful] dolls, devoted an artistic lifetime to creating sexualised images of the female body – distorted, dismembered, or menaced in sinister scenarios. In this book, Taylor draws on psychoanalytic theory to suggest why Bellmer was so driven by erotomania as well as desire for revenge, suffering, and the safety of the womb. Although he styled himself as the quintessential [typical] Oedipal son, an avant-garde artist in perpetual [continuous] rebellion against a despised father, Taylor contends that his filial [loving] attitude was more complex than he could consciously allow. Tracing a repressed homoerotic attachment to his father, castration anxiety, and an unconscious sense of guilt, Taylor proposes that a feminine identification informs all the disquieting aspects of Bellmer’s art.”

TAYLOR, S. (2000) Hans Bellmer: The Anatomy of Anxiety. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Inside Flap:
“The Surrealists’ fascination for dolls and machines resembling humans is especially evident in the work of Bellmer. Rejecting the Nazi’s Aryan ideals, the artist began creating disturbing dolls from wax, wood, flax, plaster and glue in 1933. Photographs of these fetishistic objects were published in Minotaure, the Surrealists’ magazine, and Bellmer’s efforts were eagerly supported by members of Andre Breton’s circle. After emigrating to Paris, Bellmer further developed his erotic obsessions, influenced by the writings of Marquis de Sade and Georges Bastille, and it was there that he collaborated with his companion, the German artist Unica Zurn. Deeply involved in Freudian discourse, his drawings, lithographs and photographs investigate psychoanalytical theories around hysteria and transference, and reveal a singular exploration in the relationship between language and body.”

SEMFF, M. & SPIRA, A. (2006) Hans Bellmer. Stuttgart: Hatje Cantz

1 comment:

  1. Getting stuck in already is a really good start. You have a very object-oriented designer so what I can offer at this stage is to suggest looking deeper than statues of sexualised women when it comes to design. It's an easy allure to build a city that looks like a collection of the designer's works. What often happens going this direction however, is an assortment of giant objects rather something that could be livable.

    If you already know this that's great. I only say because it has happened on this project, particularly if person's chosen designer is or was a sculptor or a producer of one particular item.

    Good idea highlighting key aspects in bold by the way. I suggest you keep these examinations in mind if you want to get the most out of this project. Surrealism is a very bizarre but also interesting artistic movement that explores a lot of the unreal.
