Wednesday 7 October 2015

Despina (chosen city): Influence Maps

Despina [Harbour City] - from perspective of man travelling by camel:
Exterior Map:
Interior Map [Sailors' Tavern]:

1 comment:

  1. You have a nice collection of images here Robin but I wonder if this looks more like a reference map than an influence map. Influence maps represent the things that inspired you, they are pictures that represent an influencing word like "coral", "tallships", "harbours" or "portside pubs". There might be some pictures that stand out particularly that you could add and I know how daunting it can be to fill pages like this but remember an influence map's purpose is to tell the viewer "here's what gave me my ideas."

    Maybe you could try adjusting the size of the pictures to represent how important they would be to your final idea?
